Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Kino Lorber Acquires Himmler Docu & Jerusalem Fest Winner ‘The Decent One’

Kino Lorber has acquired all U.S. rights to The Decent One, the pic that just won the Best Documentary award at the 2014 Jerusalem Film Festival. That’s the fest that was impacted by its own war this month, with attendees rushed into bomb shelter as rockets soared and troops began moving on the ground in the ongoing clash between Israel and Hamas. Decent One, directed by Vanessa Lapa, premiered in Berlin this year and reveals the secret personal writings and photographs from the private life of Nazi SS Commander Heinrich Himmler, providing an authentic account of the reality of Nazi Germany during Hitler’s reign through the eyes of the Nazi’s military leader. The pic is set to open at Film Forum in NYC on October 1 before a national rollout as part of an Oscar-qualifying run.
Kino Lorber CEO Richard Lorber negotiated the deal with Cinephil managing director Philippa Kowarsky.
“The Decent One excavates archival history to shed light on the unfathomable Nazi evil as no other film has done,” Lorber said. “Its resonances are profoundly and uniquely relevant to crimes against humanity going on all over the world today.”

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