Monday, June 30, 2014

BT says sorry for broadband snafu over weekend

BT customers have been hit by a mysterious outage that affected many of its 7 million broadband customers.It is unclear whether the issue was nationwide and if it was a standard downtime or something more serious. Oddly enough, it does appear that not all websites were "blocked", or down. The BBC reports that the issue was a random one with certain websites being affected.In a statement, BT said: "There were problems with our broadband service [….] but they were resolved," adding, "Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused".Still no updateThe company is still investigating the underlying causes of the outage and hasn't updated its BTCare tweet feed for the last 48 hours.BT has been flexing its muscles lately recruiting hundreds of engineers to fix broadband issues nationwide, trialling a new network for the Internet of Things and pledging to offer 100Gbps broadband to businesses.How Thatcher killed the UK's superfast broadband before it even existed

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